Individual Life Insurance

At Barrett Hill Insurance, we understand the importance of securing your family’s financial future. That’s why we offer a range of life insurance options to meet your needs. Our policies are designed to cover burial expenses, uninsured medical bills, pay off your mortgage and other outstanding debts, and maintain a comfortable standard of living. Additionally, life insurance can provide an income stream for surviving family members to help them continue living the life they’re accustomed to.

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance is an affordable way to provide maximum coverage for your family. You’ll be protected for a specific number of years, typically 10 to 30 years. If the insured lives beyond the policy period, the insurance expires. The longer the term you choose, the more the policy will cost annually. However, you won’t have to worry about writing a new policy after the end of the term if you need additional years. Term insurance premiums will not increase during the guaranteed policy period you select, and the policy cannot be cancelled unless you discontinue payments.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance is a great choice if you want a flexible policy. You can choose your coverage level and payment amount within a set defined limit, and the policy can grow a cash value based on a predetermined schedule provided by the carrier. Universal life is a hybrid of the more inexpensive term product with the cash benefit of a whole life policy. Your cash value growth is dependent on the term and frequency of the payments you choose to make

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance is the most expensive coverage option, but it provides permanent protection for the whole of life – from the date of policy issue to the date of the insured’s death, provided that premiums are paid. Premiums are locked for the life of the policy. We often use whole life for smaller policies for children or older adults who want to guarantee a death benefit or insurability. Whole life policies give you a death benefit with a savings or cash value that builds over time.

Tailored Life Insurance Programs for Your Entire Family

At Barrett Hill Insurance, we believe that life insurance is personal. We will work with you to tailor a life insurance program that meets the unique needs of your entire family. Our goal is to ensure that no spouse calls our office to find out that their family did not have any life insurance. Contact us today to learn more about our life insurance options and how we can help protect your family’s financial future.

Barrett Hill Insurance Life Insurance